Ambition is the Source of Life / منبع الحياة الطموح
I will turn my scars into stars that adorn the sky,
I hope for high with great determination and I wait for the darkness to turn into light,
My ambition will not stop, no matter how heavy the burdens are,
I achieve dreams and restore even the desert,
Ambition heals wounds with no medicine,
I will swim against the stream of water,
My will is strong and my heart is filled with serenity,
My journey is a journey of determination, will and generosity,
Sculpted with passion and dedication…
سأحوّل نَدَباتي نجومًا تزيّنُ السماءْ
وأرجو العلا بعزيمةٍ جبّارةٍ علياءْ
وأنتظرُ الظّلامَ ليتحوَّلَ إلى ضياءْ
فطموحي لنْ يتوقَّفَ مهما ثَقُلت الأعباءْ
بالإرادة أحققُ الأحلامَ وأعمّر حتى الصحراءْ
وبالطموح أداوي الجروحَ ولا أحتاج إلى دواءْ
سأحقّقُ الأهدافَ لأنتصرَ وتصبحَ الدنيا بهاءْ
بالطموح وبالإرادة أصلُ إلى حيث أشاء
أصلُ إلى العلياء
إلى أعالي السماء
وأمسح الوجع والآه والبكاء
والليالي الظلماء
ولحظات الحزن والشقاء
ويصبح العالم ضياءً
سأسبح عكس تيار الماء
فإرادتي قوية وقلبي يغمره الصفاء
رحلتي رحلة إصرار وإرادةٍ وعطاء
نُحِتت بشغف وإباء
About The Poet
Lara Zaid Kasem represents Al Mawakeeb School Al Barsha, in the Poetic Heart 2021. She is a poet and a Kanunist, Poetry is the music of the soul, and from her point of view the combination of poetry and music is happiness to her soul.
She is 15 years old and a 10th grade student of Al Mawakeb School Al Barsha. Her hobbies are writing and reciting eloquent Arabic poetry, writing stories and playing music on the Kanun.
The reason for writing the poem, ambition is the source of life, is because, in her opinion, ambition is the soul in which people live, and it is an indomitable and unbreakable spirit, and ambition is the path to success. Ambition is the one that takes your sleep to work, think, toil, and expels sleep from your eyelids.