A New Beginning
As the sun begins to rise
The corpses of war start to fade
As hope seals the horizon
The roots of peace start to be laid
As the people emerge from their homes
Their sense of fear start to disappear
Replaced by a feeling of blithe
By a firm sense of purpose
For what is there to fear in —
A world rid of the laws old
With the sun ever shining
In its autumn like tint of gold
As the bird soars through the skies
In its own world as it cries –
The song it has sung since its birth
The song of hope and its worth
The people surge through the field
All their fear under the earth sealed
As their bodies fight the cold
For a new era to unfold
An era of peace and integrity
Of love and serenity.
About The Poet
Mohamed Adnan, 15-year-old studying in class 11 from Abu Dhabi Indian School. He likes to play basketball and enjoys his time with his friends. He enjoys reading and writing deep poems. He is inspired by NBA Basketball athlete Lebron James.
His Poem – ‘A New Beginning’ is one set in a post-war period wherein people seek to create a better and a peaceful world.