Dubai Carmel School
Dubai Carmel School is a private institution approved by the Ministry of Education, Dubai and is licensed by the KHDA ( Knowledge and Human Development Authority ). It follows the Early Years Foundation Stage for infants , Cambridge Primary and National Curriculum for Grades 1 to 8 and finally prepares the students for the IGCSE Cambridge International Exams in Grades 9 , 10 and 11 from the University of Cambridge.In the next academic year (2014-2015) we will be introducing AS-Level in Gr.12 as an additional option. The school is an attached Centre to the British Council, where resources and examinations are made available by Cambridge International Examinations ( CIE ) .
The International General Certificate of Secondary Education ( IGCSE ) is an accreditation that streamlines and simplifies the process for the students to join an International University applicable to UK, US , Australian or Canadian based universities.
DCS employs teachers of high educational qualifications and virtue to act both as imparters of knowledge as well as strong role models.
Good facilities exist on campus for students, so that they can excel in both academics and extra curricular activities. On campus the computer facilities ensure that students enjoy the best technological advances to help aid their academic progress. Besides this, DCS has employed PARADIGM (Online School Management System ) which connects Students, Parents, Teachers and Management with day to day activities of the school.Regular Open Houses and other engagements between the school and parents are organised so that parents are kept involved and informed about their child and the school’s progress over many developments. Indoor and outdoor sporting facilities exist so that students can stay physically fit and extra-curricular activities are organised to ensure all round holistic development of our student’s minds.