Hopes, Dream And Peace
Life has a ‘Happy Ever After’ fairy tale ending, I had hoped,
Till I heard about the innocent brood ruthlessly massacred
In secure confines of the safe haven they called their school.
The promise of their young lives drowned in a crimson pool.
Peace is as effortless as inhaling a breath of air, I had dreamt,
Till I saw the lifeless form of a three year old in blue and red
He still had his shoes on as if to embark on the journey of life.
But he lay face down on the beach, finally free from all strife.
The smallest caskets weighed heavy on my dreary thoughts
I was guilty of being safe while so many lives were sadly lost
“Peace is just a child’s fantasy,” a voice in my head screamed.
I ask of you, “Is peace a lost hope? Is it just a distant dream?”
As I pray for the departed, for the parents scarred with pain,
As I seek healing for families that will never be whole again,
My head hangs in shame for I cannot change the odious past.
But nothing stops me to sow seeds of peace in my own heart.
Race for supremacy may perhaps have razed humanity to dust,
We may have misplaced tolerance and love in the power lust.
Yet, till we have even a single shred of goodness to redeem,
Peace cannot be a lost hope. It cannot be a distant dream.
Diversity can be an asset if we stop making it a reason for war,
If we do not fall prey to misguided hatred that drives us apart.
Boundaries we draw on land do not stop rivers, birds or gales.
Then why borders divide us and cause our compassion to fail?
So let us break walls that divide lands into pieces- Yours, mine
And build bridges to create a peaceful world- Yours and mine!
Let us unite, Let us join hands, and march ahead as one team
Peace is our foremost hope; together we will fulfill this dream.
About The Poet
Aaditya is a student from Delhi Private School, Sharjah. He is passionate about creative and performing arts. An avid reader, he is also an enthusiastic speaker and loves to write as well, often using his pen to convey social messages.
A committed humanitarian, over the last three years, Aaditya has conceded a personal amount of Thirty Five thousand Dirhams to charity, amount that he had won through government awards and cash prizes.
This effort reflects in his poem as the first seed of peace that he sowed in his own heart. He intends to harvest peace by sowing seeds of peace through philanthropy.
Aaditya is greatly inspired by Desmond Tutu’s words, “Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”
He is on a journey to overwhelm the world and steer it towards global peace.