I live like a bird/أعيش كالطّي
I live like a bird, so I can fly where I want
I fly from place to another looking for fulfillment
My wings carry me to the most loved ones
And I hear lots of words reverberate in the sky
Sad and hurtful poems from the talented poets
My mind is upset of everything
And my heart became like a wretched earth
Destruction, killing and all in noise
The faces of people are black from showing off
My wings don’t carry me from the severity of the calamity
Where are the people and the laughter of loved ones?
Where is the valuable talk that the speakers and writers disclosed?
From a distance, I see a ray of hope that warns
Are we going to get out of these burdens?
And whenever you fly in space
I found hope growing up to be strong
I am a bird, I cannot hide
I want a sky free from the epidemic
To tweet the most beautiful tunes for verses of poets
أعيشُ كالطَّيرِ فأُحلِّقُ حيثُ أشاء
أطيرُ منْ مكانٍ لآخرَ باحثةً عنِ الوفاء
أجنحتي تحمِلُني إلى أغلى الْأَحِبّاء
وأسمعُ كلماتٍ كثيرةً تدوّي في السَّماء
قصائدَ حزينةً مؤلمةً منْ أكبرِ الأُدَباء
عقلي بكلِّ ما يجري مُستاء
وقلبي أَصبحَ كالأرضِ الْجَدباء
دمارٌ وقَتْلٌ والكلُّ في ضوضاء
وجوهُ النَّاسِ اسودّتْ من كَثْرةِ الرِّياء
أجنحتي لا تحملُني من شدّةِ النّكباء
أينَ النّاسُ وضَحِكاتُ الأَحبّاء؟
أينَ الكلامُ القَيِّمُ الّذي أفصحَ عنهُ الخُطَباءُ والأُدباء؟
أرى من بعيدٍ بَصيصَ أملٍ يُستضاء
هل يا تُرى سنَنْفُضُ هذهِ الأعْباء؟
وكُلَّما طِرتُ وحلَّقتُ في رَحْبِ الفضاء
وجدتُ الأملَ يكبُرُ لِنُصْبِحَ أقْوياء
فأنا طيرٌ لا أقوى على الاخْتِباء
أريدُ سماءً خاليةً من الوباء
لأغرّد أجمل الألحان لأبياتِ الشعراء
About The Poet
Lara Zaid Kasem represents Al Mawakeeb School Al Barsha, in the Poetic Heart 2020. She is a poet and a Kanunist, Poetry is the music of the soul, and from her point of view the combination of poetry and music is happiness to her soul.
She wrote her poem “I live like a bird” imagining herself to be a bird flying in the sky and watching from above what’s happening on planet earth, and wishing for a better future. She describes how the bird as a fragile and delicate creature thrives to live in a peaceful and happy world to be able to sing and chirp happily.