Untitled Poem 2 – 2020
This was the land of my ancestors
Where finding sweet water was a daily fight
Where daily the work of survival
was a grinding epic plight
The Great Dive brought home many gems
That seemed as though they dimmed the moon
But left so many youths behind
Whose lives were dimmed too soon.
The noble palm tree gave us shelter
And kept our bodies from the sun.
It gave us food and shade and rest
Its generosity second to none.
Despite the harshness of the land
Its people smiled and found a way to live,
With little to claim for their own
Yet still they managed to freely give.
The fish flowed from sea to land
And we desert dwellers could eat like kings.
The bounty both fed us and gave us the means
to barter for other needed things.
Although we carried always with us
The cold protection of daggers and guns
Yet warmly we welcomed our visitors with coffee
And spoke with them of our daughters and sons.