Bodhi Tree
By Dr. Daisaku Ikeda
Read by Dr. Akash Ouchi
The Bodhi tree that towers tall
is a symbol of wisdom,
the sacred tree beneath whose boughs
Shakyamuni attained enlightenment.
Since the remote past
the Indian people have called this tree
the “king of the forest”.
Some Buddhist scriptures state
that the Bodhi tree emits a mystic music
when breezes pass through its branches
and that by simply hearing this sound
one can attain spiritual awakening.
The Daishonin wrote:
“One is the mother of ten thousand.”
Ten thousand, like any great number,
begins with one.
The shade of the Bodhi tree offers protection
from the harsh rays of the sun.
But its thousands of branches,
tens of thousands of leaves,
all stem from a single trunk.
A single person of wisdom
firmly rooted in society
has a value and significance
equivalent to a thousand
or even ten thousand people.