I Dreamed A Dream
I dreamed a dream from a broken world,
Of a world without cracks,
Of a world where laughter bounced on the canvas dome of limitless hopes,
Of a world where literacy ran through the tender hands of children and not rivers of blood,
I dreamed a dream from a broken world.
As the shrieks of fear tore bonds,
As hungry eyes gulped in emptiness,
As the shattered futures peeped through broken windows,
As civilization lay crumpled at the feet of its creators,
I dreamed a dream from a broken world.
The cold loose sand welcomed my bare feet,
And my dress fluttered like a butterfly, entwining with my legs,
As the wind played with my burnt locks of sienna, teasing my shivers, taunting my wounds;
Taunts of lingering memories; of distant memories
I dreamed a dream from a broken world.
Stitching the patches by grief, forgetting to knit the knots of happiness,
Crying tears from a well in the land of draughts,
Searching for belongingness in the land that belonged to me,
I dreamed a dream from a broken world.
Of a land that tickled the feet with lushness,
Of a land that didn’t limit people to unseen boundaries,
Of a land where the angels descended from heaven,
Of a land where nights were tucked in dreams on the pillows of peace,
I dreamed a dream from a broken world.
Amongst agony of the faultless,
With ripped souls,
Wrapped in wails of unsaid crimes,
And bullets piercing humanity,
I dreamed a dream from a broken world;
From broken eyes with the ache of breaking dreams,
From a heart that waited with baited breaths to breathe life,
I dreamed a dream.
About The Poet
Anouska SahaRoy is a young engineer in the making by day and a writer at all times awake or asleep.
She runs a blog of her own and has published over a hundred pieces of literature and art so far.
A proud feminist and a strong believer of liberalism and equality, she has constantly voiced her beliefs and contributed towards them with her work on various platforms, be it as a columnist on The Logical Indian, Poetry Slams, blog posts or more.
She thrives to use the medium of art to learn, educate and project her beliefs to contribute towards a brighter future.