Delhi Private School
Delhi Private School’s rich and holistic curriculum is fashioned to meet the needs of the 21st century and to support individualized pathways to learning. Metacognition, critical thinking, practical application of concepts, goal setting, self and peer analysis are key features of learning. Tracking the progress of every student through data analytics and teaching with consideration to exacting, personalized student profiles, are the means through which we achieve these goals. Our RAHAAL program goes a step further: we offer a unique, custom-made curriculum to outliers. Inclusivity is the hallmark of our school.
The PERMAH pillars form the scaffold of our wellbeing curriculum, both for students and teachers. Innovative programs ensure that life-skills are deeply embedded in our students. We create awareness among our students of the complexities in the world today: environmental, political and social. We are proud that, year on year, our students are rated Outstanding for personal and social development!
The USP of the school is our deliberate focus on encouraging students to have a moral compass: to have a sensibility greater than themselves and to have a philanthropic spirit. Our students are deeply patriotic; they are also proactive global citizens.
We understand that the energy of our young students needs to be channelized and that personality enhancement and confidence building are important facets of schooling. Our extensive co-curricular program is built to take into account talent and interest in different disciplines: sports, music, dance, aesthetics etc.
We consider parents to be our co-partners in our endeavor to impart good quality education. We encourage participation, feedback and the reinforcement of our school`s ethos at home.
If we work together, mountains can be moved and momentous miracles are possible.