The Philippines School
The Phillipine School (TPS) envisions to be the frontrunner in innovative school leadership in Dubai, with transformative global educators, who provide state-of-the-art pedagogies in a student-centered environment.
Paramount to this long-range vision are quality assurance, vision of excellence, community and inclusivity, community responsiveness, and innovation and internationalization.
True to the word “transition,” TPS gradually shifts into a new paradigm this school year, prioritizing innovations in school leadership and instructional delivery. In addition, a new philosophy, vision-mission statement, and school objectives were introduced.
The terms and concepts that were utilized are articulated from the UAE National agenda, and from the concept of multiculturalism. The former concept is something that we aspire for in a long-run, which means TPS will promote Filipino values and culture, in full consideration to UAE heritage and policies. We would like every member of the school to respect diversity and individual beliefs.
In relation to faculty capability building, the TPS Instructional Supervisory Framework was likewise conceptualized this school year. This framework is categorically divided into two formative or non-evaluative and summative or evaluative. In addition, the framework aims to set a benchmark of performance, gather data to provide formative assessment of teacher’s instructional competency, enhance teachers’ competency, professionalism, and collegiality through peer collaboration, and provide assistance and support to teachers on areas such as lesson planning, strategies, innovation, and assessment.
We believe that education stimulates nation building; however, it is not a mere acquisition of knowledge and skills. It needs to be unified with values and character. Our ultimate purpose is to hone the hearts and the minds of every individual to prepare them for their role in the society.
Thank you for treating TPS as your family. We look forward to meeting you and talking about the real meaning of education and the well-meant learning advocacies of TPS.