Artistic Scripture
You must not be witness, stared or looked at,
Much like these words mustn’t be witnessed stared or looked at,
Rather your lips purple with wine and eyes that entice inexplicable emotions within minds,
Must be studied like one studies art;
The grooves and strokes of your skin define
The hardships and thoughts your eyes have been trained to hide
You are no form of modern art that blatantly speaks to the world the way it is,
For within you lies an old soul full of meaning and hope for interpretation to those who need to make sense of their own woes
The shades and tint of your mind describe a world of emotions hidden within the ones who study your smile;
But most of all, your artistic scripture lies, within the truth that speaks,
‘Art does not stand in the hope of making onlookers understand it
But rather stands in the hope of making onlookers understand themselves.’
About The Poet
Crazy hair and rimmed glasses clutching onto her scrunched nose for dear life as she concentrates with thoughts extending beyond comprehendible depths while drinking from the world in diverse perspectives, Malavika is an aspiring poet who views ideas from a universe of her own laced with the harsh reality.
A scintillating and a rather intriguing journey it is to flip through the pages of her journal as it never fails to whisk you through a whirlwind of emotions like bursting colours; hard to contain yet leaves you yearning for more.
Ranging from world renowned competitions to high school involving debates and impromptu, Malavika claims that participating and returning home with accomplishments is far behind from the new-fangled knowledge that has clung on to her and by this, Malavika hopes to grow just like she would say; a book, chapter by chapter.