by. Dr. Shihab Ghanem
Dedicated to Poet Laureate Dr. Daisaku Ikeda
1. We come to this life and then go
And leave behind us a memory, evil or good
2. Blessed are those whose good characters smell like fragrance in their wake,
And woe to those who spend their lives destroying.
3. I saw the remains of old Hiroshima and was shocked
By bewildering destruction, so difficult to describe
4. I saw enormous destruction unparalleled.
Even tiles have melted there!
5. Bodies evaporated in a second
And those who were at a distance melted like wax
6. Those who were at a large distance burned
And spent their lives suffering from radiation.
7. The victims were mainly children and old people,
For the fighters were at the battle fronts.
8. A quarter of a million died in a quarter of a minute
In Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and burnt alive.
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9. They triggered the bomb at a calculated height
To maximize its damage, and to punish!
10. A million degrees centigrade was its heat.
Higher than that of a raging volcano.
11. I remembered the fire of God, Hellfire
And how an evil criminal could suffer and roll like a ball
12. He will be given a new skin after skin,
For it is permanent punishment from which there is no escape.
13. God has forbidden humans from using fire
as a means of torture. But they continue to disobey.
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14. Brother Daisaku you have for two generations
continued to hold high the banner of Peace without weariness or fatigue,
15. Fighting all types of war and all warmongers
And all the fearful weapons of mass destruction
16. Fighting the crushing of men of liberty by totalitarian regimes,
To enslave their countrymen and terrorize them.
17. You have continued creating poems that champion lofty causes,
And producing photographs of great beauty.
18. You continue building edifices for culture
Full of beauty, music and fine art
19. And constructing educational institutions of high quality in various lands,
For education is a human need.
20. For the basis for very human development
Is knowledge, high morals, and fine arts.
21. And you are Ikeda, the philosopher and poet,
Who is certainly a star in the sky of the art of leadership.
22. You have marshaled the hearts of loving admirers
And among them you are always addressed “sensei”
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23. I have seen Hiroshima that regained its glory
A city of beauty throbbing with light.
24. And Kamakura and Tokyo appeared to my eyes
Together with Shikoku full of gripping elegance.
25. And Kyoto was the Queen of Beauty amongst them
Scoping all the cups of beauty competitions
26. I have seen a county which is a model of elegance.
There isn’t in it a tree which is not trimmed!
27. I have seen in Japan a welcoming people
That repeatedly bow. A well-mannered nation
28. They posses high ethics that radiate brilliantly
With which one comes close to loftiness
29. And I have seen Mount Fuji, lofty and radiant
As if the Japanese have suckled their attributes from it!
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30. Brother Daisaku I enjoyed wonderful hospitality
Which deserves a thousand thanks if I let my tongue speak freely.
31. For your assistants have been so generous to our delegation,
And have been most helpful and welcoming.
32. They did not even eat except similar to what I ate!
And that is unusual hospitality but most respectful.
33. I also thank you for giving me and my son a chance
To speak about the Book of God, for researching for the truth should always be our aim
34. In the Institute of Philosophy we had a dialogue
That was deep and devoid of fanaticism
35. Let us all come to a truthful word
For all of us seek the truth, and the truth will always prevail.