By Prof. Kithaka Wa Mberia
I will sing “AMBA”
So that I may
When I conclude, the saying
I will have explained
The crocodile’s behaviour
About his bragging
And those who fear to say
Anything in the farm
I proclaim saying
This crocodile
Is the rock
That defiles the farm
But then I say
Although he’s armoured himself
With a hard shell
He will rout not the rope
That crushes rocks
In the farm
We have seen crocodiles
Who bragged
They feared not the owners of the farm,
They routed not
The farmers’ rope
When the farmers started speaking
And tauted the rope tight
In the farm
If you see, an enunciator
Who values enunciation
I will retort,
I don’t seek void utterances,
But the crocodile
Who swaggers,
And the owners the farm
Frightened to talk
Cause me to speak
I will conclude, “SAYING”
Emphasising that
When the farm owners’ rope is stretched tout
As they start to speak,
That the witless crocodile
Will fail not to implore:
I was wrong to swagger
Declaring that
I, the crocodile
I’m already armoured
Sheathed in scales
To stifle the non sayers
In the farm
When they decide to speak
Nitaimba –“AMBA”
Hivi kwamba
Nimalizapo kwamba
Nitakuwa nimeamba
Juu ya mamba
Mwenye kujigamba
Na wacheleao kwamba
Katika shamba
Natangaza kwamba
Huyu mamba
Ndiye mwamba
Onaoharibu shamba
Bali namba
Ingawa amejipamba
Kwa magamba
Hatashinda kamba
Ivunjayo miamba
Kwenye mashamba
Tumeshuhudia mamba
Ambao walijigamba
Kutoogopa wanashamba
Hawakushinda kamba
Ya wanashamba
Walipoanza kwamba
Na kuvuta kamba
Katika shamba
Ukiona muamba
Apendaye kwamba
Nitajibu kwamba
Sitafuti kwamba
Bali mamba
Mwenye kujigamba
Na wanashamba
Waogopao kwamba
Wamenifanya kuamba
Nitahimisha “-AMBA”
Nikikariri kwamba
Ivutwapo kamba
Ya wanashamba
Waanzapo kuamba
Jahili mamba
Hatakosa kuamba:
Nilikosea kujigamba
Nikiamba kwamba
Mimi mamba
Tayari nimejipamba
Kwa magamba
Kuzima wasioamba
Katika shamba
Waamuapo kuamba