Dr. Manfred Malzahn
Dr. Manfred Malzahn was born in 1955 in Iserlohn, West Germany. He has been inspired towards poetry by German poets from Heinrich Heine to Erich Kästner.
Beside a range of academic publications that ranges from English, American, African and Scottish literature and culture to recent German History, Dr. Malzahn has composed poetry and short fiction in English, Scottish and German since mid-1970. His creative writing includes song lyrics performed and recorded by various artists, as well as the libretto for a musical play which premiered in Germany in 1997. He likewise wrote the libretto for a musical drama which premiered in Germany in 1996.
His academic career spans decades since 1970’s when he took up English and German Studies at the University of Bochum in 1974, and later on transferred to the University of Wuppertal, where in 1983 he completed a PhD thesis on aspects of identity in the contemporary Scottish novel. Dr. Manfred has also completed his PhD in English Literature from University of Wuppertal, Germany, 1983.
He then worked for the Goethe Institute in his native town and for the German Department at Edinburgh University in Scotland, before going on to teach English Literature at universities in Tunisia, Algeria, Malawi, Taiwan and the UAE. He has been working as a Professor of English Literature at University in Al-Ain in UAE, since 1998.
Dr. Manfred has been Shortlisted in the BBC World Service Poetry Competition, British Broadcasting Corporation, 1990.