The Cambridge International School Dubai
Cambridge International School Dubai is a Foundation Stage to Year 13 School, teaching the National Curriculum for England including a range of IGCSE, AS level, A level and BTEC qualifications. With more than 2500 students from over 65 different nationalities, the diversity of our students are one of our greatest strengths. They are confident, friendly, highly motivated, morally aware, culturally respectful and socially responsible.
It is the purpose of education to encompass a broad spectrum of experiences, so that the child may encounter or exclude those experiences necessary to fulfill the individual’s desire to explore and learn. Several basic principles underlie our educational philosophy. Firstly, be aware that each child is unique. Secondly, there is individual potential in all children and excellence in every child. Thirdly, children are skilled in how to think critically and logically about the world around them in order to make informed and accurate decisions about their education. Finally, the social and emotional climate of the classroom should be such that each child’s contribution is valued, each child takes responsibility for the community by respecting people and property and each child takes personal responsibility for certain aspects of the organization of his / her work and interests.
For more information visit the school website