Inner Party Fight
by. Mr. Chemmanam Chacko
Two swallows, Sloth and Dunce,
Started an argument
Which grew fierce.
“It’s dawn, It’s dawn”
The Dunce cried out.
“Not yet, not yet”
the Sloth replied.
“It is dawn” the Dunce repeats,
The Sloth in fury flies at him
Pecks at his face and stabs and kicks.
The Dunce – even he-grew wild
Struck the other hard
And dealt a terrible blow.
It grew fierce with blows exchanged,
A battle royal
Never seen before
Countless birds did range the sky
hovered above
to see the fight
The cheering audience
Inflamed their spirit,
Violence grew and blood did flow.
Ir-reconcilable the birds
Unrelenting they fought :
“It’s dawn”, “Not yet, not yet” they cried.
Crows and kites
Vultures and hawks
Circled close
and plodded them on
The Dunce tears the rival’s feathered trunk,
The sloth does cut in twain the other’s head.
For about an hour
the fight went on.
But alas ! for them !
They fell to the ground,
Dunce and the Sloth
Bleeding, exhausted, dead !
The spectators dispersed
They danced in joy,
They dived in delight
They soared in song which said :-
“It is dawn, it’s dawn” the Dunce cried out ;
“Not yet, not yet” the Sloth replied “
But – all the while –
Oh, the irony of it !
The sun shown mightily
from the mid-day sky !