in Dhriti Chinmay Oza PH 2021 (School Poems) PH 2021 (School Poets) Poets of Apple International School School Genre - Happiness

The Invincible Spirit

The one who is invincible,

The one who is all too mighty to be defeated.

All the power just comprised in one single spirit

– the invincible spirit.

It has the ability to do multiple things,

Isn’t that interesting?

Ironic how the human spirit is so creditable and praiseworthy

And yet it is out of its knowledge to realize.

You are powerful.

You are the invincible spirit.


About The Poet

Dhriti Chinmay Oza is a student of Apple International School.

She has always been fascinated by the correct use of words in poetry, the way that a poet succeeds in conveying his thoughts in the form of words. And that is what gave her the inspiration to keep going. She tried her best to convey her thoughts and feelings in the form of a poetry.

She is passionate about Science and Music, enjoys learning Science, Biology in particular. Whereas music is just a hobby, that she finds interesting.