Why Can’t We?
Why is there so much difference?
Why is there a barrier?
Why can’t we build bridges of acceptance?
Why is there so much war?
Why is there so much destruction?
Why can’t we hold hands and love one and another?
Why is there so much discrimination?
Why can’t we make this world a beautiful place to live in?
Why is there so much hate in this world?
Why can’t we make this world a wonderful place to live in?
Why can’t we change ourselves?
Why can’t we change the world?
Why can’t we be kind to one another?
Why can’t we do it for the sake of humanity?
Why are there so many questions?
Why can’t we answer them?
Why can’t we?
Why can’t we?
About The Poet
Alfred Benny. J, is a student of grade 9 in New Indian Model School, Boys, Dubai
He lived in Ajman for 9 years and then moved to Dubai in 2010. He loves reading, writing, singing and exploring new things. He even loves to make new friends and socialize.
His new year’s resolution for 2018 is to love and be loved, be kind to everyone, dress classy and be confident in whatever he does. He writes down his feelings into songs and poems, because music speaks when words don’t.
He wishes to be a person who can make a difference.