Adam Al Mahdi

About the Poet

Adam Al Mahdi is a student of the American International School. “I always like to be the best and have the best”, is the motto of an award-winning student. Classified as an intelligent school industrialist and symbolism, he aims to share with the public his famous poem, Hope. This masterpiece is a message to people for rehabilitating themselves from a state of arrogance into a state of admiration.

His composition was inspired by his mother who constantly pushed herself to the limits for him and is based on real-life experiences. As life goes on, we must always put in mind one of our main purposes, being tested, the Optimist, Mr. Adam Al Mahdi.


An illusion that cannot escape

which causes people to meander.

A race so passionate and violent today

That it causes its members to follow and sway.

An outcome of everlasting questioning,

So common to hear an untrustworthy mentioning.

Is there any solution I ask?

Or shall I just go on with my task?

Deep and plaintive it is indeed,

Not one even cares about his deed.

Is it so challenging to change one’s habits?

Or is it simple to act like unconscious rabbits?

Her beauty is glamorous and unparalleled.

Staring into her bright eye,

Reminds me of the peacefulness of the Mediterranean Sea.

I await for my charm and companion.

But I truly care most for the one who gave me birth,

As well as lifting me as a little boy and turned me into a man.

Am I aware of the environment that surrounds me?

Or am I in a dream that never ends?

Some may seem to be like philanthropists,

January 8, 2015

While others crave for wealth and power.

Is this a life of comfort and ease,

With a man who aims to conquer it with small devices,

And not to mention glowing systems?

But why do I keep thinking negative?

We can think differently and be positive.

I start my greetings with an Arabic saying:

It is, “Asalmualaykum”.

Translated as, “Peace on you.”

And now I think that we should all start praying,

To the One who created us from the beginning.

And I declare God the Most Merciful,

Who guided us to always be careful,

As a HOPE to all of mankind, men and women.

We don’t seek hope from beings of little understanding.

We seek it from the Only One who created everything.

Look at the beauty God has made.

Observe the wonder of the rose.

A scent so simple and irresistible,

But not under the category of eatable.

A plant that may set you on a fresh path,

And can bring benefit in the subject of math.

Is there a way to infinite success I ask?

Yes indeed there is I reply.

Is it possible to see a world filled with unity,

Cooperation, amity, friendship, and so on?

Yes, but do not trust sometimes and go on.

Don’t be stingy and spend like a fool,

Give like a benefactor, or even build a school.

Ignorance is mankind’s greatest enemy,

Something that destructs a value like alchemy.

Look at the architectural innovation,

I like to put it as Ambition, Inspiration, and Motivation.

Three keys words that function as a rigid rope,

In order to guide us to our world of hope.

Life is short and smile with ease,

Work together and you’ll get your peace.

About the School

American International School is a private independent institution that serves students from Kindergarten to Grade 12.