Abdulhusain Fakhruddin

About the Poet

Abdulhusain Fakhruddin is a Year 11 student of Al Ameen Private School.

He reads and write poetry in his spare time and his favourite poem is ‘Do Not Go Gentle into the Good Night’ by Dylan Thomas. He aspires to write poetry in Arabic as well, and dreams of becoming a published poet one day.

His ultimate goal is to memorize the entire Holy Quraan.

Friendship (by Abdulhusain)

As I walked alone down the road

Hoping I’d find a friend,

One in whom I could confide,

And then slowly transcend .

Although surrounded by hundreds,

Not even one seemed to care,

For on that lonely road of life,

No friend could I find there.

Then I joined a group at school,

But their own friends they had,

They seemed to meet in cliques,

Which made me feel quite sad.

Now I had a different thought ,

A new direction I must take,

By becoming a friend to someone,

I’m sure a friendship I’d make.

Visiting hospitals and nursing homes,

I was made so welcome there,

Many were longing for friends,

Now, I could find friends everywhere.

About the School

With the Raza and Doa mubarak of Aqa Maula (TUS), MSB Private School made its humble beginning in 1985, in a villa in Dubai, with 20 students in the foundation stage. The vision was to foster the concept of Al Istinarat Bil Taalim-e-Islam : Secular Education with Shari’ah perspective.